These two paintings are my latest work: Urban Square No.9 and No.11. They are part of an ongoing series of collage and mixed media works studying the randomness of our urban lives, employing the junk mail, advertising material, the flotsam that percolates through every individual's everyday life. New meanings arise, questions are posed, by the unexpected juxtaposition of images, particularly other artists'images, when reduced to advertising.
As well as collage these works employ a variety of techniques that I use out in the street from time to time such as spray enamels to stencil found object, spattering and splashing of paint. They are lots of fun to make; very absorbing. And while there is a freedom at play there is also considerable restraint exercised in the decision made as to what works and what doesn't, what is deemed aesthetically pleasing and what might be plain crass.
However you won't be seeing these two works at the Hunters Hill Art Exhibition opening this Friday night: they were not accepted. People have commented how meticulous and well-finished my collage work is when I've shown at other galleries (ATVP @ Newtown, TAP @ Darlinghurst), so its not the presentation which is the issue. If you can offer an explanation I'd welcome your comments. Naturally there is no commentary from the selectors and no correspondence will be entered into. I am left wondering whether these works are simply too avant-guarde for the Hunters Hill crowd? According to the selection list there are other collage works in the selection so it cannot be a bias against the medium. Are they worried about the infringement of copyright by pasting up other artists'images, chopped and mutilated? But this is surely a part of the dialogue of the works.Very puzzling, not to mention frustrating.
Incidentally, three earlier pieces are from this body of work sold in February this year at the Linden Centre for Contemporary Art, St Kilda.