The Ausglass Conference hit town last week and while I couldn't attend the conference itself I participated in four of the associated exhibitions. This shot illustrates my stained glass skylight that I made for the Old Parliament House exhibition mid-2010 shown here in the Members show.
There was also a section within the Members' show for "Jewellery" and for "Production Work" and for this exhibition I made a new series of small abstract wall mirrors where I painted the lead calme. The Ausglass Members' Exhibition is always inspiring and the 2011 show was no exception. I especially enjoyed the Post Glass DVDs- a collection of short films where glass is featured in some way, sometimes in a very obscure way. The brain-child of Andrew Lavery, this was a mini- Tropfest and a real treat.
Gaffa Gallery's Refraction ["mapping a change in the direction of contemporary glass"] was another exhibition in which I showed work: Circus Chaos
And finally for Object Gallery's Collectors' Cabinet I made three new scuptural works using pieces of blown glass from my private collection. The work show here is Mount Vessel with Flowers. I've ground and polished all the edges of the 3mm glass inserts and set them into a sand and silicone mix inside a vessel by Nick Mount.
Have been spending as much time as I can on the Samoan Congregational Church window.. almost cut 4x of the seven panels. But I can't show you photos as I've lost my camera- disaster!
My partner had a stroke recently (fully recovered now) and when I'm very stressed things like that happen.